From OUR team to yours

As any good leader knows, putting together the right team is most of the battle. We take both our team and yours very seriously.

The Collective

The supporting team is made up of more than 50 professionals that our founder has had the pleasure of working with over the past 20 years. They are executives that impressed her with not only their content mastery but their passion for what they do.

Their collaborations with MLR Consumer&Commerce range from full participation in a project to providing pointed counsel to the primary team when a particular experience or point of view could be beneficial to the project or situation.

All of our templates and frameworks have been created together with the most qualified executives, and the final work product is typically sense checked by multiple professionals in order to guarantee that it is thoroughly thought out.

Selecting your Team

Setting up any project requires that the right people are on the bus. And each content type requires a different supporting cast.

We select both content matter experts and those who we expect to be a good fit for the organization at hand.

This starts when we frame the problem and identify the most important elements for your project. It continues with the people mapping for your organization. For strategic or transformative ambitions, we map our most seasoned professionals to the CEO or Founder to set the project up for success. Instead, for more operational undertakings, we map our team directly with the Manager responsible for the content matter.


After more than 20 years in the corporate world, I started MLR Consumer&Commerce so that I could stay true to my methodology of working and ambitions.

I believe that…

A brand begins and ends with the consumer. All functions, processes, communications, and otherwise must be built around him or her. Anything focused on the surrounding elements for their own sake, i.e. channels or tools, are merely distractions likely to derail progress.

Focus drives evolution and elevation. Only by doing the same thing over and over can we expect to constantly improve and eventually become content-matter masters. This is the goal rather than being a Jack of all trades.

I strive to…

Make a difference in the companies and professionals that I collaborate with.

Enable even the smallest of companies to get a leg up by accessing top-level professionals.